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Cuba – Olympic Sport And Dictatorship

Like Park Chung-hee (Asia/South Korea: 1962-seventy-nine) and Idi Amin Dada (Africa/Uganda: 1971-79), Fidel Castro is a sports activities enthusiast and enjoys watching all types of Olympic sports. Fidel Castro has visited the national group’s education camps, sports activities colleges, and National Schools Games and spent time with the scholar-athletes and Olympic gamers. Since 1990, the Cuban dictatorship has spent more than $80 million per year on Olympic sports. However, Cuba is not an Olympic paradise. Cuba’s modern wearing history has been marked with the aid of wearing defections.

Every dictatorship has a fashion of its own. Leonidas Rafael Trujillo had one: a Dominican song. Francois Duvalier had one: the Haitian way of life. Kim Jong Il has one: the cinematography. He likes films such as “Gone with the Wind”, a famous film American. The dictator of North Korea wrote an essay “On the Art of Cinema”.

The Idi Amin Dada regime was infamous for torturing political prisoners, forbidding dissent and unfastened speech. Under the dictatorship of Idi Amin Dada, about 350,000 humans had been killed. But he loves Olympic sports activities like Fidel Castro Ruz. During the Nineteen Seventies, he had become an outspoken champion of the game within the Third World. I remember that the Ugandan team received gold, 4 silver, and 3 bronze medals during the Commonwealth Games in New Zealand in 1974. Overall Ugandan crew ranked 10th, before Wales, Trinidad Tobago, Tanzania, and Jamaica.

Fidel Castro once said: “What has Cuba’s role been inside the Olympic Games? What has it executed? What has been the fruit of our efforts to promote healthy clean sports? At the 1972 Olympics, we completed 14th among 122 international locations. At the Montreal Olympics in 1976–Juantorena recalls this well, and so can we finished eighth among 88 taking part countries. In 1980, in Moscow we completed 4th among 81 countries; in 1992, in Spain, we completed fifth among 169 countries; and in Atlanta, in 1996 we completed eighth among 197 nations. Could all and sundry refuse those figures”? But beneath one of the international’s oldest surviving dictatorships, the game has grown to be a useful manner for ladies and men to get admission to freedom.

Certainly, the Cuban game is a story of frustration and miracles. The Cuban authorities reacted with incredulity when in 1980 Roberto Urrutia, a weightlifter, introduced his selection to search for asylum within the United States. At the age of 14, Urrutia made weightlifting a high priority, and ten months later he hooked up countrywide data. Urrutia entered the 1975 Pan American Championship at the age of 18 and gained gold medals for Cuba. In December, in Matanzas, he became the first Latin American weightlifter to achieve a World document. In 1976 he finally realized his dream of competing in the Olympics.

Like Alberto Juantorena (song and field), Teofilo Stevenson (boxing), and Mireya Luis Hernandez (volleyball), Roberto Urrutia Hernandez, a former member of the Youth Communist Union, turned into a symbol of the Cuban Revolution. Roberto was born on December 12, 1956, in La Havana, received 3 gold medals at the 1978 Weightlifting World Championships, and ended world Soviet ‘s-year domination of worldwide weightlifting. Certainly, he becomes voted Hero of the Year by using Prensa Latina. Before the Moscow Olympic Games, Roberto Urrutia defected to America via Mexico.

In the beyond few years, we’ve seen several occasions take vicinity: Tamaris Aguero, a participant, came to are searching for freedom in Italy; Odelin Molina, a wonderful footballer from La Havana sought political asylum inside the United States; and Dulce Tellez, a sportswoman, came to San Juan de Puerto Rico.

Aguero, who at 1, seventy-seven, turned into taken into consideration one of the high-quality woman athletes in the Americas, At the age of 16 she grows to be the youngest character ever to be a member of the Cuban Team. During the 1993 World Junior Championships in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aguero completed first in the opposition for the high-quality setter. When Tanya Ortiz, a setter from 1987 to 1995, introduced her purpose to retire at the cease of 1995, Aguerotookn into consideration a main candidate for the post. Therefore, she changed into a key woman whilst Cuba finished first in the 1998 World Championship. In 2000 Aguero helped the Cuban crew reach victory at the Olympic Games. If not the greatest setter ever, she is truly the most celebrated in volleyball history. Nowadays Tamaris Aguero is one of the most remembered and dearest sportswomen with the aid of Cubans. Behind baseball, volleyball is the maximum famous game in Cuba.

Dulce Tellez became named a quality player in the 2006 Pan American Championships in Puerto Rico. Under her leadership, Cuba won the bronze medal in volleyball at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. She left Cuba in July 2006–three months earlier than the World Championships in Tokyo. Before the 2006 World Championships, Cuba became ranked 3rd in the global. Now it’s far ranked seventh. Meanwhile, Odelin Molina was born in August 1974, in La Havana, became one of Cuba’s exceptional footballers, and performed in the 1991 World Championship Under-sixteen in Italy. In 1995 he defected to the United States, in which he lives now.

My name is Alejandro Guevara Onofre, quality referred to as “Alex”. I have research in political science, journalism,m and worldwide members of the family. I am a writer and professor. I spend loads of time writing and learning about the Third World, Olympic sports activities, biographies, and Peruvian gastronomy. I have essays about the lifestyle, Latin America, sports activities, and countries. I´ve posted books about World issues, records of the women,n and international locations of the arena. One of the maximum memorable moments in my life became in reality once I published my first ebook: an encyclopedia called Mundototal (maybe very just like the World Almanac). After, I posted a book approximately The History of Women in the United States (Spanish). At the instant, I am running an e-book approximately Third World. In the future, I would love to publish books about the Olympic Games, Democracy, Ecology, and Nations of the World.

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