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Things Buyers Need to Know About Home Inspection

Being a home buyer for the first time could be an overwhelming experience. There are plenty of things on your checklist to consider; visiting various houses to choose from is one of them. But what you see is not what exactly you get. The superficial touches may blind you where you will see freshly painted walls, gleaming hardwood floors, colorful flowers near the pathway, well-organized stuff, and so on. These things will cover the real things like foundation cracks, ancient plumbing, dangerous wiring, broken appliances, or other defects. People overlook the excitement and can only be revealed when you hire a home inspection company.

What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is the scrutinization process where the experts inspect different home areas and prepare a report that includes the home’s major components, their current condition, immediate changes required, and replacements to be done before you move in. If you are in the buying process, a deeper understanding of the report will help you determine whether the home is well-maintained or not. If not, then you can request the seller to make repairs to improve the condition or ask him to give you credit toward the cost of repairs at closing.

What does a home inspection include?

The home inspection procedure may vary from company to company. Many companies get deep into the inspection and prepare the report with every detail, while some focus on the main areas. Despite the difference, one thing is common among various companies; inspectors are chiefly concerned about the physical components of a home that covers many systems. Besides, you can prepare a checklist of areas you want them to inspect; this may include-

  • Roof
  • Rooms
  • Attic
  • Gutters and downspouts
  • Electrical panels, light switches, and power outlets
  • Plumbing fixtures, faucets, and water heater
  • Heat, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC)
  • Doors and windows
  • Floor, ceiling, and walls
  • Basement
  • Garage
  • Walkways and pathways
  • Stairs, steps, and railings

Things that may not be included in the inspection are mentioned below-

  • Drainage
  • Odors
  • Lawn sprinklers
  • Fireplace and chimney
  • Pests
  • Landscaping
  • Sewer lines
  • Internet service

Besides, most of the inspectors are limited by the amount of fee you pay. You may even get a refund if the company contractors make mistakes. Therefore, they usually present you with a report of what they see, not behind walls or seller’s furniture.

What does the home inspector’s report consist of?

The residential home inspector’s report usually covers major problems or a long list of minor errors that you want them to inspect. However, the way a home inspector presents his report defines a lot about his professionalism. Sometimes it is hard to make out the client which area is mentioned in the report; therefore, your inspector must come up with a report with images printed below the information. He must also hand you a digital report along with the manual report, which should cover every point in a simplified manner.

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