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Four Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Remodeling the Bathroom

Spring season is here, and it is time to execute all those fresh home renovation ideas you have been waiting to implement for months. A bathroom remodels to be sure the first on your list because it is the smallest and a high-traffic area. The best part – it generates the highest returns compared to the renovation of any other part of the house. Different people have different reasons to invest in a bathroom makeover. Some need more storage space; some want to add more functionality, while some want to install luxury accessories and amenities. Whatever be your reason, your investment will pay off in the long-run or when it is time to resell your house.

Remodeling the Bathroom

It comes without a doubt that bathroom makeover is an exciting task. But, there are a few things involved in the project that can topple your project and make it not-so-very favoring. So, to keep your renovation project less stressful or time-consuming, here is a checklist of questions you should consider –

Q1. How much can I spend?

It always makes sense to plan your bathroom renovation with a predefined budget in mind. The extent of your financial limit helps you decide whether you can go for a complete transformation or just partial renovation. Typically, your bathroom remodels cost an average of around $10,000. It can vary as per the cost of bathroom fixtures, labor, and other additional accessories. Hence, search for the elements you want and add a cushion of 10% for possible unforeseen issues.

Q2. What is the size of my bathroom?

The cost of bathroom remodeling depends a lot on the kind of floor plan you choose. To devise a floor plan, you have to be considerate of the exact dimensions of the room. That way, you can get to know if the vanity or wall closet can be fixed as it is or you need to knock down the walls to create extra space. When it is time to replace your current cabinets, bathtub, or toilet (in case of larger remodel), your room dimensions and floor plan penned down in a notebook can be of great reference.

Q3. Is the renovation for me or for reselling purposes?

Your bathroom remodeling costs depend a lot on whether you wish to utilize it post-renovation or sell it to someone else in a few months or a year. In case you are planning to stay back in the home for another five years or so, you better include every little convenience you and your family desire. However, if you are spending now to gain later, then your decisions have to be less about your comfort and more about future buyers’ choice. Having clarity on this aspect will be a game-changer with regards to the improvements you make.

Q4. Do I need to update my plumbing or pipelines?

If you live in a pre-fabricated home, then there are chances that the housebuilder has used 1½-inch pipes for drains. But, taking into account the level of gunk and hair that goes down the bathroom drain, these are likely to clog more often. So, it is best to call in a professional plumber this weekend and let him check the current condition of your pipelines. Ask him to repair the leaking and bursting pipes, if any. Also, install 2-inch pipes for better drainage and optimum pressure and money-saving in the long run.

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